
We Are the World! International children's art exhibition takes place at Richman House

Dear club residents,

Tomorrow, the Richman House Business Center will host an exhibition of children's art works under the patronage of the International Association of Cultural Diplomacy “We Are the World Events” and the “PlayArt_UAE” studio. 

Date and time: June 8th, 2022, 6 pm - 8 pm
Location: Richman House Business Center, the Opus Tower, 2nd floor

The purpose of this event is to make the world a better place and provide children with the opportunity to reach their creative potential. Young artists will be able to take part in the juried competition, therefore, the winners will receive diplomas. This is a great opportunity to express themself at the international level.

At the event, guests will be able to make useful contacts and hold discussions. Among the invited guests there will be representatives of the local art community (artists, bloggers, gallery owners, heads of art schools), business owners, the Dubai VR Academy that focuses on digital arts, as well as media (Papa Media, Dubai People, WOW Magazine, Aviamost, Russian Emirates media). 

VIP Guests: His Excellency Awad Mohammed Bin Sheikh Mujren and Mr. Abdulla Ali Al-Mubarak. 

Stephanie Gaspard, founder and president of the International Association of Cultural Diplomacy “We Are the World Events”, and Aygul Kuptsova, Dubai Representative of the International Association of Cultural Diplomacy & Founder of PlayArt_UAE.

The organizers of the project hold events on a charitable basis. All funds received from participants, partners and patrons help the development of the project and the expansion of the geography of events. 

We Are the World is an international platform founded in Paris in 2018 that organizes children's art exhibitions in 37 countries around the world. Representative offices of the company are located in France, UAE, USA, UK, Israel, Kazakhstan. The organization actively cooperates with children's centers, orphanages and centers for children with disabilities.

“Children are the leaders of the future. We should support them and create favorable conditions for their creativity.”

Stephanie Gaspard

Our Richman House team is happy to be a part of this event, as well as being a platform to support the strengthening of intercultural ties between countries through art.

See you tomorrow at Richman House Business Center!
2022-06-07 15:52